Stake LIBRE, Earn Bitcoin

Participate in the growth of the platform.

Spread between borrowing and lending.

You earn when loans are paid back or liquidated. By staking LIBRE, you ensure the security of the decentralized system.

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A dedicated blockchain for Bitcoin DeFi.

Libre features a decentralized exchange (DEX), and a DAO to govern it all. Smart contracts are deployed on-chain.


100% Fair Launch

LIBRE has no premine or team allocations. Libre was created through a 'Mint Rush' fair launch completely open to the public.

Wide Distribution

Check the top holders of LIBRE on-chain to see the distribution of LIBRE is not concentrated in a foundation or few hands.

Full Transparency

100% transparent on-chain and verified by anyone using Libre smart contracts.


Every vault on Libre is secured by Libre Crosslink nodes which each hold shards of the private key.

Simple Interfaces

Libre features simple to use interfaces that actually work.

Mobile and Desktop

Libre has multiple wallets that work with the chain. No metamask, no Solana wallets. Native BTC first.