Lend USDT Against Bitcoin

Earn 12% providing liquidity for Bitcoin loans.

You pick the term and rate

Lend Tether secured by Bitcoin collateral. All loans are pooled for shared liquidity. Interest rates start at 8% for 30 days and go up to 12% for 365 days. Collateral is not re-hypothecated or co-mingled. Liquidation engine 100% on-chain.

Put your USDT to work

Add USDT to the pool and start earning as loans are paid back or liquidated. There is a 5% liquidation bonus on each loan.

200%Backed by BTC

5% Liquidation Bonus

Each loan has a max term and a liquidation threshold of 80%.

Daily Compounding

Every day, watch your interest accrue in real-time on your dashboard.

Full Transparency

100% transparently on-chain and verified by anyone using Libre smart contracts.


Every vault on Libre is secured by Libre Crosslink nodes which each hold shards of the private key.

Simple Interfaces

Libre features simple to use interfaces that actually work.

Terms are Locked

Once you start your loan, the Libre smart contract locks in the terms. Your terms cannot be changed for the duration of the loan.